With The Help of Friends - Blog Buttons

I have been blogging along now for a little while, learning things and picking up different ideas here and there and I have made some fantastic blog friends along the way! 
I love the buttons I've been seeing, you know the ones that you can "grab" and put on your own blog....kinda like a blog referral.  To my blog friends, if you have a button, let me know and I will place it on my sidebar.  If you are interested, I have just figured out how to have my own button.  I didn't do this by myself, however, and special thanks go to C at The Stylish House for this first design when I was fumbling my way around blogger and J at Day & Age Design for the tutorial on how to make my own.  Maybe I'll try to come up with a new pic to make my very own picture, but for now, I'm pretty darn impressed that I figured this out. Ladies, you are the best teachers, Thank You!
And in the meantime..........please feel free to grab my new button! :)

mom said



  1. Get a good picture of what represents your blog or just play with fonts. Here's my tutorial - I made my own too recently:

  2. Awesome! I am so glad you got your button made...and it works! :)

    If there is anything else I can help you with, don't hesitate to ask! Also stop by for Social Saturdays and share your blog! :)

    Have a great weekend!



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